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Round pen work! 9/2/21

Likely not what your thinking. This was ground work in the round pen. My sister came over to work her pony; our round (oval-ish pen) was plenty of room for Eve and her Aunt to work together.

Junie did excellent cross tied, standing for grooming. I did start some basic ground work with Junie before handing her off to Eve, moving away from pressure, driving forward, ect.

This played out as a people lesson and horse lesson as well. Eve first learned how to lunge a horse on a line, using Heidi (my sisters pony shown above).

...And look at that smile!

I had pulled Bella out and worked with her as well, sadly no photos. My sister coached and even handled her a bit. I have had this mare for 3 years now, she has had about 3 months off for a few different reasons. She reverts to an unresponsive horse rather fast.

I would say that Belle is too well trained, she has been in and out with a number of trainers and returned to sub par owners. Her life as a horse has been a number of 'cookie cutter' trainers, providing 30, 60, day fix programs. She had spent about 3 years, with at least 4 different owners, this is not indicated in her papers - no one transferred her papers and it took me over a year to get her papers in my name.

The biggest issue with Belle; she has been over desensitized.

"They become dull. They become lethargic. They lack allot of forward...they lack sensitively. They lack impulsion... Nothing means anything and you [the horse] don't have to do anything." ~ Colton Woods Horsemanship


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